The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Gonçalo Rodriguez, D. Nuño Rodriguez, D. Pedro Rodriguez, D. Alvaro Rodriguez, D. Teresa Roiz Giron" as the children of "D. Rodrigo Gonçalez Giron de Cisneros" and his wife "D. Mayor". "El obispo de Segovia D. Gutierre Roiz y sus hermanos Álvaro Roiz, Gonzalo Roiz, P. Roiz, Nuño Roiz, R. Roiz, Teresa Roiz, Elvira Roiz, et nepote nostro Roderici Gonsalvi" sold their part in the castillo de Dueñas, after the death of their father, by charter dated 1194. The dating clause of a charter dated 9 Dec 1196, under which "Domnus Tel Petri" founded a leper hospital at Villamartín near Carrión, names "…domnus Gundissaluus Roderici Monzons tenens…". “Dompnus Gonsaluus Roderici...cum uxore mea dompna Sancia Roderici” sold “terciam partem de...hereditate...fuit de Pelagio Cazurii in Aguilar” to “dompno Tello Petri” by charter dated 1197.
Mayordomo of Alfonso VIII King of Castile 11 Apr 1198 to 29 Dec 1216. "Domnus Gundissaluus Roderici maiordomus domini regis et uxor mea donna Sanctia" donated the church of San Martín de Villa de Rey to the bishopric of Palencia by charter dated 1 Dec 1202, subscribed by "Garsias Martini de Gordaliza et Alfonsus frater eius, Gomez Garsie filius Garsie Roderici ducis, Petrus garsie filius Garsie Petri Gallecie…Petrus Guterrii filius Guterrii Didaci merini domini regis, Suer Petri filius Petri Tacon…".
Mayordomo of Fernando III "el Santo" King of Castile Sep 1217 to 8 Oct 1231. "G. Roderici et uxor mea Santia Roderici" granted administration of the hospital at Carrión to the bishopric of Palencia by charter dated 1209, subscribed by "…Fernandus Garsie et Rodericus Gartie et Alfonsus Gartie frater eius et Suerus Telli et Garsias Roderius merinus, Petrus Alfonsi filius Alfonsi Lopez…". "Dominus Gundisalvuus Roderici, Rodericus Gundisalui filius eius, Suerus Telli, García Ferdinandi, Petrus Ferdinandi, Fernando Aluari, Roderico Aluari" witnessed the charter dated Apr 1215 under which "Dominus Rodericus Roderici…cum uxore mea domna Agnete Pereç" donated various property to the monastery of Santa María de la Vega. "Don Gonzalo Roiz maiordomo del rei de Castella e mios fiios et fiias que oue de donna Sancha Roiz…a saber don Rodrigo Gonzaluez et Theresa Gonzaluez con otorgamiento de so marido, Roi Gonzaluez, et Maria Gonzaluez con otorgamiento de so marido, Guillem Pedrez e Aldonza Gonzaluez con otorgamiento de so marido, Ramiro Frolez et Eluira Gonzaluez con otorgamiento de la abbadessa e del conuento de Sancta Maria la Real de Burgos, e Sancha Gonzaluez con otorgamiento de la abbadessa e del conuento de Sant Andres de Arroio, e Brigida Gonzaluez con otorgamiento de la abbadessa e del conuento de Perales" and "io don Gonzaluo…e donna Marquesa mi mulier con los fiios e las fiias que auemos…a saber Pedro Gonzaluez e Munio Gonzaluez, Nunno Gonzaluz, Maria Gonzaluez, Allionor Gonzaluez, Agnes Gonzaluez, Maior Gonzaluez" ratified donations to the bishopric of Palencia by charter dated 8 May 1222. "Don Gonzaluo con mi mugier donna Marquesa et…don Rodrigo Rodríguez et don Pedro (Roiz) et don Guillem Péydrez et don Tell Alfonso et donna Mayor Alfonso et donna Teresa Alfonso et…Roy Munnoz" sold their rights in the monastery of Villamayor de los Montes to "don Garcia Ferrández maiordomo de la reyna donna Berengella et vuestra mugier donna Mayor" by charter dated 3 Jan 1223. 1